Keystone Jack Searched | Made in Taiwan Waterproof Connectors & Modular Jacks Manufacturer | KINSUN

KINSUN is certificated by ISO-9001, ISO-14001 and we maintain a well-organized team to perform our quality management system.

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Keystone Jack
Keystone Jack

Our company is a well-known manufacturer of Keystone Jack in Taiwan. Owing to the stringent...

Keystone Jack
Keystone Jack

Our company is a well-known manufacturer of Keystone Jack in Taiwan. Owing to the stringent...

Keystone Jack
Keystone Jack

Our company is a well-known manufacturer of Keystone Jack in Taiwan. Owing to the stringent...

RJ45 Keystone Jack
RJ45 Keystone Jack

Our company is a well-known manufacturer of Keystone Jack in Taiwan. Owing to the stringent...

Result 1 - 4 of 4

Keystone Jack - Made in Taiwan Waterproof Connectors & Modular Jacks Manufacturer | KINSUN

Located in Taiwan since 1986, KINSUN Industries Inc. has been an electronic components manufacturer. Their main products, including Keystone Jack, Waterproof Connectors, M12 Circular Connectors, Automotive Connectors, Medical Connectors, RF Antennas, Mini Fits, Waterproof Antennas, and Modular Jacks, which are IATF-16949 and ISO certified.

KINSUN Taiwan headquarters with all the developing and production facilities and plus other two China factories at over 40,000 square meter space, operated by over 600 employees, are our elemental foundation that ensures our productivity to satisfy customer's requirements. KINSUN is a professional manufacturer of Electronic components, specializing in Waterproof connectors, Sensor Connectors, RF Antenna design, Mini Fit, Micro Fit, Modular Jacks and Stamping parts.

KINSUN has been offering customers high-quality electronic components, both with advanced technology and 35 years of experience, KINSUN ensures each customer's demands are met.